All I can say is hallelujah for learning enough about myself through the assistance of a few great counselors and focusing on my Heavenly Father, that I no longer ‘own’ the words others say about me.
Words and actions attempting to put me down, trying to create self-doubt and confusion about my own character and worthiness are not sticking anymore. I am not only good enough, but I am perfect just the way I am. God says so. So bully, you can go find someone else to pick on because the days of me withering in a corner and feeling worthless because YOU believe I am… they are over.
Mental abuse is very real and it hurts. Pain is magnified when it’s someone closest to you, whether it be a parent, spouse, or best friend that belittles you. They are supposed to be your biggest cheerleader so if they think that about you it must be true, right? Wrong!
Are you struggling, feeling worthless and thinking it won’t ever get better? I’m promising you it will. Seek help. You will heal. It’s a process. It doesn’t happen overnight. I still have valleys of uncertainty but they are shorter and further in between.
And those peaks… they get bigger. You will believe in yourself again. You will feel alive again. You will find things that make you happy. And the mountains you used to think were impossible because someone else said you couldn’t do it…. my friend you will climb those and search for bigger mountains, chase bigger dreams.
You are worthy. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.
The post Stop Believing the Bullies and Their Lies: Mental Abuse first appeared on Sweet Lemonade Life.